Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Since no one can really respond here, these are my political thoughts:

We are far too obsessed with politics. Remember how the Jews thought Jesus came to give them political freedom? Yeah Jesus has bigger plans. Don't let your political stance get in the way.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

On my way back to the apartment: Oooh I hope there is no one home right now! I can be alone for a little while...


Friday, August 10, 2012

Stickers vs. People

Today I was staring out the window and mindlessly peeling the label off of a box I got 5 years ago. I was wondering why I didn't finish peeling it off 5 years ago. I was also wondering why I felt the urge to peel it off now. Then I realized that my life could end at any time. If my life had ended then, my last accomplishment would be peeling the label off of an old box. I don't use my time wisely. When I have an extra 30 minutes I usually take some time to stare at the wall or peel the paint off of something old. Thinking about this made me think of what I should actually be doing with my time: packing for college. A horrible thing. If I used all my extra 30 minutes to do things like pack for college I would be really productive! However, I don't think I would want my last accomplishment to be packing for college either. That is almost more useless than peeling off a label. At least someone else gets a box with no sticky label. I guess that's why people are so important. We last. My life needs to be focused on other people. That's one thing that God made pretty clear, and I don't do it very well. Time to ask Jesus to change that...

Friday, April 13, 2012

I may have posted this before, but these are some of my biggest fears:

- Turning on music in the library when I think my headphones and plugged in... but they aren't.
- Going to a party that I think is a costume party... but it isn't.
- Going to someone's house for the first time... and knocking on the wrong door.
- Going into the men's restroom on accident. (Note to Mexican restaurants: 5 year olds do not know the difference between senor and senorita!)
- Deep, deep, dark waters.

Monday, February 20, 2012

I can't wait until this summer. I can't wait to do something important.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Lately my life has felt very scattered. It is like I am in a whirlwind and just trying to get the next thing done just in time! Ironically this has nothing to do with the amount of time I have, but more to do with the amount of focus I have. Here is a list of areas that I would like to be different and more organized:

1. Studying God's word every day.
2. Exercising at least 3 times a week.
3. Getting my reading and homework done before the last minute.
4. Cleaning our room and bathroom more often.
5. Getting involved in a club or non-church activity on campus.
6. Getting all of my support letters out.

To extrapolate on support letters, I am going to Gabon, Africa this summer! I am extremely excited to get to learn about the culture and see what God is doing through the C&MA church is doing there. Please pray that I am humbled and given perspective, and that somehow, in my short time there, God will be able to use me to have a great impact on the people of Gabon.

Sending out support letters is something that I despise. I would rather go door to door. Even better, I would rather raise money without feeling like I am begging. However, this is what I have to do because I haven't thought of any better way, and I need the money pretty soon to be able to put down deposits. If you are reading this, I may be sending you a support letter. Don't hate me :) Also, I may not send you a support letter. If this is you, but you would still like to support me, I will love you forever. My email address is If you email me I can either give you my information or go ahead and send you a support letter. Also, if you want to follow our trip, our blog is Right now it is the most boring blog in existence, but I promise it will get more interesting. Especially if you support me ;)